Saturday, December 31, 2005

Five Best

Five Best Reasons Not To Kill George Bush
1. He provides great material for comedians
2. Killing monkeys is against the Convention on Endangered Species
3. If he stays and continues to fuck up (and let's face it, he probably will) we'll have a better chance of a President Hilary
4. He'll become a martyr
5. The pretzels will get him sooner or later anyway

Five Best Reasons To Be Ginger
1. To show your revolutionary colours
2. To save people the trouble of thinking of proper insults
3. To distract bulls (and yes i know they're colourblind really)
4. To make it easier for friends to find you in crowds
5. People remember you better

Five Best Sounds
1. Hockey balls striking the back of a goal (exept when it's your goal)
2. The sound of fingers sliding in chord changes on the guitar
3. Frying bacon
4. Bob Dylan's early period
5. Rain

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